Dual Sport Plus


Well-Known Member
I just read this on Facebook:

To: Dual Sport Plus Customers and friends.
We would like to take this opportunity to send a note to everyone who has supported Dualsportplus over the past six years.
This was a completely new adventure for both Les and myself. When we started this little hobby back in March of 2008, we started off in the front section of a small storefront. We had a handful of “Farlkes” and a bit of apparel.
Over the years we have become friends with many customers-some are almost family. Les and I have been blessed with meeting some amazing folk who have travelled the world. We never anticipated that our little hobby would expand our circle or grow to the size that it has.
This past year has been a struggle. We had the opportunity to meet many travellers again and here so many amazing tales. Then it hit us. We were no longer having fun, and it had become hard work. Something in our hearts was telling us it is time, to wind down.
When we mentioned to a few friends we were looking to retire and sell, an offer came in, but as time passed our legal team knew this first deal would not pan out. We had a feeling these guys just weren’t right for what the store had to offer. They lacked the passion. Then a few weeks later our doorbell rang. In walked a young fellow with dreams and Aspirations of he and his brothers owning our business. We chatted and made the decision that these lads were the real deal. They were Les only younger & stronger. Les and I were happy to introduce to our customers to the new Dream team that we thought would take Dual Sport Plus to new business professional level. But it was not to be.
Legal documents were signed and they were to take the reins in December on Friday 13th, 2013. Sadly the trio did not show up to take keys. There was no activity to open the doors to the new business they seemed so enthusiastic to take over.
Absolutely no explanation was given.
It left Les and I crushed, devastated beyond belief. Our bikes were packed and ready to ride.
Customers/friends started to come by to say farewell and congrats to the new owners. Les had to be taken home as he was mentally and physical in distress.
But as I went home that night on the bus, some thing hit me. We still had a house. We still had friends. Most of all we still had each other, and health. I was determined to make it through this. As few friends sent text, I replied trying to explain what happen.
A friend in the industry called and told me that we would survive this- we had to if we were going to be world travellers. As he said, we would come across situations on the road that could be much more devastating or difficult to deal with.
Christmas was two weeks away so we set out to enjoy it with a few friends and family. They helped us get through a rough period.
As 2014 started to roll in we made a pack: to build Dual Sport up to where it once was. And that is what we did.
But it has come now to make the decision to wind down and let our dreams take over. We are making plans for the No Agenda World Tour”
With heavy hearts we announce the “Big Dual Sport Plus” Retirement Sale It will start Wednesday April 30th until our doors close on Saturday June 21st 2014.
Thank you again. We could not have accomplished what we did without you. Now we will enter the next phase of our lives.
Les Clarke & Catharine St Denis.