Free KLR650. Very Well Set Up. Bring your own Canadian frame.


New Member
I took an off near Marymarch a few years ago, and split my shoulder into numerous pieces. The folks in Buchans treated me excellently well, and I think there is no better place to have an off than The Rock. I had to leave my bike up there, and life has gotten in the way of collecting it. Right now, the thing that appeals to me most is to give my KLR to a NFL rider. I just got custody of my son, so I can't take a time off as I used to. Very well set-up 2007 KLR 650A (the genuine article) with a ton of farkles and reasonably low miles. It's been everywhere, man, in spite of that. Custom suspension front and rear, IMS 7 gallon tank, custom seat, Wolfman racks, aftermarket pipe and the treasure of all treasures, a Moto-Mule trailer excellently set up -- but now it needs a few spot-welds. I'll leave the disposition of this to Murph. The bike is in Merv's shed at the Red Ochre Inn in Buchans. I found Merv to be the best of people, so you need not worry about the negotiation. They're good people. If you don't have a frame, we can probably run some subterfuge. The speedo's cracked, but I have a good one in the box that I can supply.