Recent content by Bikerberger

  1. Bikerberger

    What to see in Newfoundland?

    Thanks for all the great input. I have a map on the way and will continue to study the Traveler Guide (Online and Paperback). Very excited about the trip and will reach out to those that have made generous offers.
  2. Bikerberger

    What to see in Newfoundland?

    Thanks RossKean! Itinerary planner is a pretty cool app. Two more questions: 1.) I have and use a gps grudgingly. My question is, do you really need a GPS to tour the roads in NL or, are the roads not well marked and hard to find? 2.) I enjoy riding gravel roads but I have a big ADV bike...
  3. Bikerberger

    Old Publication - some useful info...

    Hi RossKean, this seems to have disappeared. Do you still have a copy?
  4. Bikerberger

    What to see in Newfoundland?

    Great information Dresda. Thanks
  5. Bikerberger

    What to see in Newfoundland?

    Thanks for the replies. I plan to spend at least three weeks in Newfoundland. If I have time, I will take the TransLab home but my objective is to explore NL. I can't really book very far ahead because I don't know where I am going and when I will get there. For me, pre-determined routes and...
  6. Bikerberger

    What to see in Newfoundland?

    Heading to Newfoundland in early June this year to explore the island and see all the highlights that a three week time period allows. I typically don't commit to a route because I never seem to stick to it because of all the input I get from locals during the tour. In general, I plan to go...