Books on Maintenance


I have always been a little intimidated with fixing my own bike. But really, it was more an issue of time more than anything else... the fear of "what I am getting myself into" and "will I have the time to put it back together before the next sunny day?"

Well, now that winter is approaching, I picked up some books.... figured it was about time that I learn more about fixing bikes (especially electrical issues), which in turn will give me more confidence and assurance when riding solo in the middle of nowhere.

Electrical.jpg FuelSystems.jpg MaintenanceTechBook.jpg

Also, for less-dry reading, I picked up "Adventure Riding Techniques".

I also looked online and found a reference to "Dan's Online Motorcycle Repair Course" (, but the actual site does not seem to be there anymore, like he didn't continue to pay for his site to be hosted. Too bad. It looked good.

What are some of your favorite websites for bike repair info?
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